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Messages - Happyhundogkat

Pages: [1]
ezPower / Re: Windows 10 Compatibility
« on: February 07, 2016, 12:43:41 PM »
We have also tried making a test version (13) on windows 10, and we haven´t seen any problems

ezPower / Re: Help!!!! Product window keeps opening!!
« on: August 29, 2015, 02:19:08 AM »
Also thanks from us, we did´nt even know that this was possible

ezPower / Re: Discount
« on: August 29, 2015, 02:16:09 AM »
Thanks that is what, I was looking for.

ezPower / Discount
« on: July 22, 2015, 04:12:14 AM »
Hi I don´t know if I have asked this before but is it possible to set the discount so that it just changes the price and not change the percentage. It is a bit difficult to explain.


1 treat = 39kr     buy 3 treat = 99kr that is about 15,383% discount wich is an odd number.

It would be easyer if I could just set the discount price to 33kr pr. treat I know that I can use the 2nd price but then I have to press that every time i take a new treat ( we have mixed treats 18 different kinds)

Hope I have made it understandable  :) :) :)

ezPower / Re: Use on Tablets
« on: February 17, 2015, 07:53:16 AM »
Thank you very much. My plan was to use it for counting the stock
But no version for Android and Ipad??

Kindly Happy hund og kat

ezPower / Use on Tablets
« on: February 17, 2015, 02:43:16 AM »
Hi now that Tablets have become so popular, I was wondering if it´s possible to use your program on Tablets like Ipad or Android

kindly Happy hund og kat

ezPower / Re: Problems after updating to V13 from V10
« on: April 09, 2014, 05:20:09 AM »
Sorry but I had not read the previous answer on the weekday topic, it still doesn´t make sence to me that the system follows the weeks of the year  :)

ezPower / Problems after updating to V13 from V10
« on: April 09, 2014, 03:54:50 AM »
Hi we have resently updated our EZ-POS version from 10 to 13, after doing this we have had some strange problems for eksample, the start day of the week is set to sunday but when I reviewed weekly sales it sets the first day of the week to tuesday. It did this for a month or so a now i has changed the first day of the week to wednesday, why I don´t know. The first day of the week is still set to sunday. >:(
Also another problem i that when you make a cashreport at the end of the day and we count the cash the build in calculater where you can put the numbers in shows wrong amount. This is because for eksample you count 5 x 1$ bills and put the number in the calculater will tell you that the amount is 2,5$ because it thinks tha you are counting 50cents. ???
This is really annoying, I have an urge to go back to V10 but then I will loose the new discount opputunities which was why I changed i the first place.

By the way I like many others also can´t get the E-mail to work with G-mail  :-\

Hope this makes sence and there is a solution
Happy hund og kat  :)

ezPower / Wrong day of week
« on: July 02, 2013, 06:29:41 AM »
Hi we have a small problem with our week days. If i set the first day of the week to eks. monday and i want to see what the weekly sales (money) have been, the program doesn´t include monday. It seems like the week starts with tuesday and monday comes in the end of the week. The same happens if i start the week with sunday, meaning still monday being the problem.
I changed computer and installed the program again (I´m running the POS10 version) but this didn´t solve the problem. Maby you have a good answer to the problem. :D

Kindly Happy hund og kat
         (Happy dog and cat)

ezPower / Discount by categori
« on: March 11, 2013, 08:40:08 AM »
Hi we own al small shop i Denmark where we sell dog food and treats, we were wondering how we kan give discount by category. eks. we have five products of the same brand but with different taste the products cost the same but have different barcodes. How can we get the system give discount if the customor mix the products eks. I can give give discount if you bye three bags of same taste but not if you mix three different tastes.

I have to say that we have the 10. version is what im asking for included in the newer versions??

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