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Messages - vishal

Pages: [1]
ezPower / Re: Mercury Processing Issue
« on: April 21, 2011, 05:59:55 PM »
When a POS submits a transaction request which exactly repeats the same amount, card number and invoice number of an already-approved transaction in the current batch, the second transaction is considered a duplicate request

I think their is bug at Mercury end and in EzPower as well:

Mercury should only look for Invoice number regardless of the amount and card number. The reason I want to keep the amount out is because after the first attempt if customer changes it mind and want to deduct or add any item in the transaction before trying the card second time then the amount will be different but the invoice number will be same. So keep the amount and card number out just look for invoice number. If the invoice number is same then take it as duplicate because there is no way anyone can have duplicate invoice number in same batch.

The second attempt from the POS is going to be only in 1 situation only if for some reason POS didn’t get the response from the processor that it is looking for to complete the transaction in first place.

And how EzPower going to handle duplicate error message it is going to be in never ending loop.

Am I right???

ezPower / Re: Mercury Processing Issue
« on: April 20, 2011, 11:30:22 AM »
while the card is processing POS is waiting for the response from the processor and sometimes the response doesn’t reach to the POS it just gets lost in the internet traffic or reaches late to the POS in this situation POS takes it as decline. And it can happen in any POS or Processor

We also go through same kind of problem like couple times a year. In this situation we check the last transaction that was posted in the processor software just to make sure if it went through or not.

May be this is what happened to you as well.

ezPower / Re: Kit Building - Labor and parts
« on: March 26, 2011, 03:49:13 PM »
I tried the following in Version 10 see if it helps you

Create four products as following

1. Oil       $ xx.xx with tax
2. Filter    $ xx.xx with tax
3. Labour  $xx.xx no tax
4. Oil Service Package Deal - no price and no tax

select the 3 above items (Oil, Filter, Labour) under "Build from Parts" under "Function" tab in last item "Oil Service Package Deal" with qty set to 1 for each item (if you have set the price of oil for 1 qt then the qty for the oil will be 4) and check the box "Parts are not Printed in List"

Hope this will help you

ezPower / Re: what to do when items are not scanning
« on: October 21, 2009, 05:23:28 PM »
You can create one generic item called “Miscellaneous Item” or “Clearance Item” or any other name you want and check the box “Price Prompt” and or “Description Prompt” under Option tab. Now when you found the item that’s not in your database just call the miscellaneous item it will ask you for the price and or description fill those fields quickly. Now once the customers are gone go back and enter that item in your database. I don’t see any other faster way than this. Hope this will help.

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