We have sales on our website as well as in the physical store. So far, I've run the online credit card transactions manually through EZP, but we're changing over to a payment gateway (mainly for PCI reasons).
However, many of our online customers are also store customers, so I'd still like to enter their online transactions into EZP to maintain all our sales records in one place.
So far, the one hurdle that has me stumped is how to address the Payment Method for such a transaction. Is there possibly a Payment Method available - or that could be set up - to signify that payment has been made outside of EZP so I could continue to track such sales there?
Another thought that comes up, though not as important, is whether I might even be able to import a .csv file summarizing a sales transaction from an outside program into EZP. I see that there's a way of importing and exporting sales info in Sales Control, or is that to import solely from another EZP setup?