ezPower will keep track of rentals.
When creating a new product change the Sell type to one of the four rental options: Rent By Hour, Day, Week, and Flat Rate. There is a field for the "Rent Price". This price is used when the product is rented. A product can be rented or sold. If you have a price for both a window will ask the cashier if the product is being sold or rented.
There are 3 new rental choices, Rent Auto Hour, Rent Auto 30 Minutes and Rent Auto Minutes. These options will automatically charge the rental amount based on the time when the sale was started to when it's finished. For example Rent Auto Hour will charge the Rental Price times the hours used. A minimum of one hour will be charged. The time is rounded up. A time period of 1.1 hours will be charged 2 hours.
Under the toolbar "Sales | Rental Return" (or add the Rental button to the sales screen) will list all rentals, past due and rentals that have not been returned.