Author Topic: Stock Sold Twice & z-out error  (Read 11805 times)

Offline moresby

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Stock Sold Twice & z-out error
« on: November 05, 2011, 03:03:18 AM »
I have ammended a completed ticked by bringing it up in the sales screen, clicking the payment line which gives you the option to delete the payment.  I have done this at times to correct the payment method as you can delete the payment and choose a different method.  However this then has two entries in the Z-Out report as the deleted entry is not deleted from the current report.  The Z-out report is different to the cash / payments in the till.

Also if you are deleting the payment for other reasons (not paid, or still want to add items to ticked, change items.) the stock can be sold twice and stock control becomes incorrect.
Stock is deducted from stock when the ticket is first completed and then deducted again when payment is deleted via the method I have mentioned and then completed again. 

This situation effects the Z-out and stock quantities.