N/W Ver 11.580
Server: Win7 Pro SP1
Lately when I try to "export products" in manager control - products - products control, on my server, Win7 pop up appears saying "POS application has stopped working" with the only option to "close the program", which I do.
I have re-booted and restarted the program but still get the error. I thought it may be a Win Explorer problem, but I have also tried the export from my #2 register (XP), but ezpower just hangs. I have also re-installed ezpower, but still have the problem.
If I open the file I tried to export, only about 1500 of the approx. 9800 products are listed.
I have not added/changed any programs on my server lately, that should interfere with this.
I have been exporting the products succesfully up till now, manipulate some data, then import the changes I have made. The last import was succesful with no errors. Could there be something in my last import causing this? One of the import fields I change regularily is the date for new or amended products, could this be a problem now even though it hasn't been in the past?
Anyone else have this problem, suggestions, solutions?