Okay, here's what happens once I get in.
I enter username of "Bob", PW, security level, and hit "save" - which causes "job" window to come up. I choose the job, save, go back to main Employee window, and there's no "Bob". Instead, "Vicki" shows up like that's the one I've been working on.
Since there's no "Bob", I hit "new" and try to enter "Bob" again. The system tells me "this user name already exists", even though there's no Bob anywhere to be found. I can't get out of the window - "ok" keeps giving me the same error message, "save" does the same thing, so I try "delete" to clear the apparently duplicate "Bob" data.
NOW, I have TWO Bobs and NO Vickis! The only difference between the Bobs is that one's job status is "released", and the other is "any job".
I decided to stop before trying to get Vicki back in to see what to do next.