Author Topic: Trying to Program POS Info on New System - Need Help/Programming Guide?  (Read 17162 times)

Offline julesred

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I am brand new, trying to get POS programmed and am unable to get items imported under Product Control to show up on the Sales side of the system. My initial attempt populated with on numbers, which I have matched up to the pricing that was in my Excel sheet. Now, I can't get the Sales display to update with the new information, despite it appearing correctly when I choose "List All" on the Manager side. Any suggestions?
I'm thinking maybe I should scrap it all, uninstall and potentially start over like I've just purchased the software.

Offline ronaldrwl

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The department and category determine how an item is shown on the sales screen.  Also, the Options that could cause this are "No Show", "Out-of-Stock Hold", "Discontinued".
If your import from Excel didn't go well you can just use the File / Delete All Products and try again.

Offline rjsmeyer

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I remember having that happen after an import, when either the Department or Category were missing.

As Ronald said, each product has to have both a Department and a Category associated with it.  You can determine whether these are present by doing a few searches in the Product Control window.

First, do some searches by Department.  You should get a list of all your items within each Department you search in, and you should be able to find all of your items by going through all your Departments.

Then, do some searches by Category.  Similarly, you should see listings of all products within each of those Categories, and you should be able to see all your items after going through all your Categories.

Also do some searches using both a Department and a Category.  As above, you should be able to see all your items after trying all the combinations.  If there are any products you CAN'T find this way, they won't show up in your Sales window, either.

Hope that helps.


Offline julesred

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Thanks for the replies. Here's my scenario. I've adjusted my Text Tab Delim file to include all of the headings, and I've imported the product list again. When I go to Product Control and view it as "List All", the information is correct. Data shows in the proper fields, without exception.  NOTE - There is not a "Department" in the POS restaurant version that I've been able to locate. Instead, it shows "Category" and "Menu". Please tell me if there's something I'm missing. I see no place where anything is indicated as "Out of Stock", "No Show" or "Discontinued". 

The problem is that when I go to the Sales side where a cashier would ring in the items, the buttons have not updated. They are still showing data from several days ago when I was attempting to get this to work and made the original post to this Forum. It's as if the software is updating one side and not the other. At one point, I imported information and didn't have a placeholder column in my data where the "Supplier" column would be. Though I have fixed that now, and the "Supplier" column is completely blank in my data file, the drop down menu for Supplier has Category names in it. The weird thing is that there are also Category names in the Category field. And the Menu field has Descriptions in it. So, given that I have "Deleted All" from the Product Control, and Imported the new data (that is correctly displayed in Product Control), the Sales buttons still show old info from seemingly multiple import attempts.

Is there some limit on the time you have to wait before you can try importing a new list? Is there a magical cue that prompts the cash register buttons on the Sales side to update? Is there some other step that I'm missing that will make it show up correctly? I don't see anything marked as out of stock.

Can I delete the software program from my computer and use a link to download it again? Do I need to make a video and send a link so you can see what it's actually occurring?

Offline ronaldrwl

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Menu is the same as Department.

To see the No Show open a product in the Product Edit window and click on the Options tab.

There is no time issue.  The sales screen will show all available products.

It doesn't sound like the fields are correctly ordered.  You could do another product export to get the column headings in their correct order.

Reinstalling the program will not effect the database.  The best idea would be to replace the current database with a backup copy from before the problem was introduced.

Offline rjsmeyer

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I can say that the ONLY time I've not had products appear in the Sales window is when:

a.  the Department (or Menu) field is empty
b.  the Category field is empty, or, as Ronald said,
c.  if one of the no search/no show/discontinued fields under Options in Product Edit are checked

No magical buttons or anything to transfer the data to the Sales window - at least not in the Retail version (and not that I've ever run across).

Another way you can see what should be in your Sales window (though it's probably not diagnostic for anything) is to go into Manager Control/Tools/Arrange Product Buttons.  That's a quick way to see what should be in the Sales windows without leaving Manager Control - and that has ALWAYS appeared the same as the grid in my Sales window.

Offline julesred

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Thanks, again, for your responses.

I have verified that neither Menu, nor Category, are empty for any of the records in my list. 

I also verified that there are no checks in Options boxes under Product Edit.

After Importing Products and Listing All, the fields populated and match the info in my data file. However, the Drop Downs for Category, Menu and Supplier (which appear to be the Masters for the Sales screen) show old data. I've attached a link to a PDF with several screen shots so you can potentially see an issue that I'm not seeing. I would have attached the file directly, but it exceeds the max size limit.

As to reverting to a prior version of the database before the issue was present - Since I've never successfully gotten the system programmed, and thus, NEVER used it, I don't have an older version to revert to. It seems like I literally need to start with a freshly downloaded system, import the data file that appears to be populating correctly, and try again. I just don't understand why the system can show me as having 200+ Departments when I Delete ALL of the info.

Thanks in advance for your continued assistance!

Offline ronaldrwl

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What is your business name?
Here is a procedure to start over:
1, Open Products / Product Control use the File / Delete All Products.
2, Close all the windows back to the Main window.
3, Press the Help button. Press the Database link.
4, A window will open.  Close ezPower and open the folder ezp in the window.
5, Find these files and delete them (just the 3 highlighted ones).
6, Start ezPower and use the product import.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2017, 12:13:52 PM by ronaldrwl »

Offline julesred

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My business name is The Corner Sweet.

Offline julesred

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OK, the good news is that I was finally able to get the data file to transfer and populate on the Sales side after deleting the files as you directed.

The current challenge is that products are not picking up the tax rate during a sale. We have 2 taxes here that equal a combined 6.75% (4.75% and 2%). I have tried to make them be two separate lines, and I have tried combining the two. Are there specific challenges that would make the tax not calculate on a sale?

I'm wondering if having missed updates would cause these challenges.

Offline ronaldrwl

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Re: Trying to Program POS Info on New System - Need Help/Programming Guide?
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2017, 04:49:25 AM »
Open the Settings / Tax & Precision.
For a 8% tax put in 8.00 in the tax field.
Open a product in the Product Control window.  Select a tax setting like Tax 1 or Tax 1 & 2.